Q& 2022年8月16日

推动生命科学进步:答&彼得·克莱默, AIA主题专家和首席流程架构师



专注于高层次的概念化和尖端的设计, Principal Process Architect and 主题专家 (SME) 彼得·克莱默 leverages knowledge built up over his storied 35-year career to deliver novel solutions. We connected with Peter to find out how he supports clients to overcome challenges on ground-breaking messenger RNA (mRNA) projects that have the potential to revolutionize modern medicine.


以我作为中小企业的角色, I act as the high-level touchpoint for the client and advise them on how to best proceed at every stage of a project life cycle. I’m passionate about science and spend a lot of time working with the scientists on the client side to understand and support their needs. 这是一个令人兴奋的角色——我与正在成长和扩张的客户合作, 和我的团队一起, 我为每个项目概念化并绘制图纸. 看到一座建筑在你面前活了起来总是令人惊奇的.


三年前我重新加入了雅各布斯,至今仍被它提供的无尽机会所打动. 我是个建筑师, 但我也渴望了解产品背后的科学知识以及它们是如何制作的. 这种好奇心帮助我在事业上取得了进步. 雅各布斯提供了许多途径, 我对科学的热情也意味着我倾向于首创的项目.


雅各布斯给了我这个机会 主要的生物技术、包装、灌装和AP设施. 我很幸运在信使rna,细胞和基因治疗方面发展了专长, 我在这些前沿项目中用到的东西. 现在, 我在世界各地从事一系列的项目, 包括mRNA脂质纳米颗粒(mRNA- lnp), 先进治疗药品(ATMP), 细胞治疗和补全. I’m also working on plasmid and large-scale monoclonal antibodies (MABs) facilities for contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO) clients and a fermentation project. 我很感激拥有如此丰富多样的投资组合.

“当我回想这些年来参与的许多项目时, 知道我在帮助人们过得更快乐方面发挥了作用,这给了我巨大的成就感, 更健康的生活.”



正规博彩十大网站排名首席流程架构师 & 主题专家

What are the main the lessons the industry learnt from COVID-19 and how is this knowledge being applied across project delivery?

mRNA是在正确的时间帮助战胜COVID-19的正确解决方案. 从广义上讲,mRNA学到的教训是“不要放弃你的想法”.更具体地说, the response to COVID-19 also spotlighted the importance of supporting research and scientific development; innovation is what sets us up to overcome these complex challenges. mRNA is a fantastic example of how learnings from COVID-19 are being deployed right now to help shape a better future — it’s developing and delivering vaccines and treatments in other areas of medicine and has the potential to revolutionize the entire drug delivery chain.

你在mRNA项目上密切合作. What are the main challenges when it comes to facility design and how are you helping clients to solve these challenges?

我的建议是,如果你想走得快,你需要慢慢开始. 这是关于从一开始就定义问题,然后从头开始构建解决方案. 有必要把所有的挑战都分解开来, 首先需要和设备,然后一个房间接一个房间, 提供有效的, 高效的设计解决方案.

It must be very exciting to work in an area like mRNA that has the potential to transform manufacturing and revolutionize modern medicine…

mRNA is so new; it’s truly fascinating. 我喜欢不断地学习,追随科学是非常有益的, 看看发生了什么,然后利用新的发现来提供解决方案. 在更广泛的生命科学领域, 当我回想这些年来我参与的许多项目时, 知道我在帮助人们过得更快乐方面发挥了作用,这给了我巨大的成就感, 更健康的生活. 就我个人而言, 我特别自豪的是,我设计了一个设备,可以生产供家庭成员使用的药物.

作为独一无二的创意设计专家, 你现在对什么技术和数字工具感到兴奋?

我很幸运能够使用最新的技术来绘制和设计客户设施. The beauty of 3D digital solutions is that you can walk the client through the model in 3D mode from the first day of the job. 更广泛地说, I leverage knowledge and solutions that I have built up over 35 years to solve problems I encounter on ‘first-of-a-kind projects, 这真的很值得.


我们需要保持航向, maintain an open mind about where the talent will come from and continue to focus on talent development. I’m a firm believer in the power of mentoring and I’ve seen its positive impact first-hand — many of the architects I’ve worked with over the years have gone on to do projects on their own. 让同事尽早参与项目是至关重要的. 让我们的同事受到鼓舞也很重要, 因此,我们都可以继续以最高标准交付项目.


我在业余时间做橱柜和设计家具. 我一开始是做木匠的,后来自学了橱柜制作. You could say that my passion for design plays a big part in my personal life too because I designed my own house! 当我不工作或设计和制作家具时,我喜欢潜水和滑雪.



拥有超过35年的行业经验, 彼得·克莱默 brings his cutting-edge design skills and a passion for science to every project he works on. 当他不帮助交付首创项目的时候, 彼得喜欢通过设计和制作定制家具来减压.


你的动力驱动着我们,我们一起努力建设一个更美好的世界. 在雅各布斯,每一天都是一个让世界变得更好、联系更紧密、更可持续的机会. 我们一直在寻找有活力和敬业精神的人加入我们的团队. 带上你的激情,你的聪明才智和你的远见. 

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